Rilvan Group

RILVAN Group est l'un des fournisseurs les plus respectés de l'Europe de l'Est en ce qui concerne le déménagement national et international du mobilier et des effets personnels, la relocation et l’immigration, avec une expérience fructueuse de plus de 20 ans.

Nous fournissons des services pour les personnes physiques, les entreprises et les agences gouvernementales, en coordonnant tous les moyens de transport, que ce soit par voie aérienne, terrestre ou maritime.

Notre siège social est situé en Roumanie et nous fournissons des services dans toute l'Europe centrale et orientale et dans le monde entier, grâce à nos partenaires internationaux.

Nous avons trois divisions, chacune avec une multitude de services pour couvrir tous les besoins des clients:

  • RILVAN Moving: déménagement local et international des biens domestiques; emballage et logistique; gestion des entrepôts et des archives; services spécialisés de déménagement (transportation des animaux, des véhicules, des œuvres d’art).
  • RILVAN Relocations: conseil et assistance pour l’immigration et les visas; préparation et transmission aux autorités locales des documents nécessaires; services d’accommodement; recherche de résidence et d'écoles; soutien du conjoint.
  • RILVAN Customs Broker and Freight Forwarder: fret terrestre/aérien/maritime; gestion logistique; dédouanement.

Nous sommes membres des associations internationales renommées de l’industrie, comme FIDI (Fédération Internationale des Déménageurs Internationaux), IAM (Association Internationale des Déménageurs), EuRA (Association Européenne de Relocation), FEDEMAC (Fédération des Associations Européennes de Déménageurs), IPATA (Association des Transporteurs Indépendants d’Animaux) et la famille WCA (Alliance Mondiale des Transitaires).

En conséquence, RILVAN Group respecte l'éthique et les règles de conduite de l'industrie. Nous avons ainsi la possibilité de vous faire réinstaller ou déménager partout dans le monde, grâce à nos partenaires logistiques internationaux, en veillant à ce que toutes les règles de qualité de services dont vous avez besoin soient remplies.

Fier membre de:

     The British Association of Removers

Que disent nos clients

“We are present in 12 different countries with 160 families and I work regularly with other Relocation companies I often take Rilvan as an example, they are very professional, extremely reactive, and attentive to costs and they go the extra mile in terms of service. I would gladly recommend Rilvan to other companies.”

Expatriate Manager, Bricolage Group Company


Your crew were great, thank you very much. They put everything exactly where I needed it. The staff were all very pleasant and happy to help and your team leader spoke very good English and could not have done more to help.”

Rob and Silvia


“I can’t explain how much I appreciated your help! You are an angel that came to save me…Thank you for the hard work you’ve done for us during the immigration process!”

Russian expatriate, Advertising Agency


The team you sent yesterday were excellent. They arrived on time and unloaded the vans very quickly. They were able to assemble and unpack everything that we wanted them to help with. All in all, the RILVAN team has helped to make this a largely stress-free relocation. Thank you all very much!”

David and Sarah


“As usually you provide us with the greatest help we could ask for. You are the best support organization I’ve ever experienced dealing with such complex immigration topics! Thank you again!”

Operation Manager, Consumer Products Company



I just want to tell you that your staff was perfect when they delivered my shipment! They were really professional!

Nadine Lachat



“Thank you for helping to make our stay in Romania so memorable!”

Canadian expatriate, Pharmaceutical Company



Everything passed very well and professional! Many thanks to you for your great support!”

 Joachim Wiesner

“The orientation yesterday went extremely well, the client and myself was so impressed by your knowledge, professionalism, enthusiasm and eagerness to make sure everybody has a positive experience. You are a real star in the DSP local area consultant community - not only in Romania, but the whole of Eastern Europe.”

Global Alliance ManagerRMC



“Always a pleasure to work with you!

Nicolae and Adi

"I particularly appreciate RILVAN's consultant's proactive approach to my requirements, his very high level of professionalism in services and attention to details. I have been an expatriate in many locations, but RILVAN provided me with the best service I ever had!"

Managing Director, International Transport Company


“Top ratings all round! Thanks for everything! Have I ever told you how much I like working with you on all immigration cases?”

HR Manager, Oil and Gas Industry



“Thank you so much for your help! Stars as always!”

Immigration Specialist, RMC


“Everybody from the immigration team agreed on how amazing you are, not only from a professional point of view but also from the personal side. I feel very lucky to work with you in every of the immigration cases we have and hopefully in all that are to come. “

Immigration Specialist, RMC



“You are absolute stars and have made my day! Thank you, thank you, and thank you!”

Immigration Specialist, RMC

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Portefeuille de clients

Cloud Server Hosting